
Course introduction

Course・Period of study・Number of student

  Course Name Period of study Capacity Number of classes Remarks
Part 1 2nd years course 2 years 100 5 classes 100 students in April
Part 2 1 year and 9 months course 1 year and 9 months 80 4 classes 80 students in July
Part 3 1 year and 6 months course 1 year and 6 months 40 2 classes 40 students in October
Total 220 11 classes  

Semester and holidays, vacation

Distinction Semester Period


Spring semester

April 1 to September 30


Fall school

October 1st to March 30th


National holiday

Holiday specified in the law on Japanese holidays


Summer vacation

Late July-mid August


Fall vacation

Late September to early October


Winter vacation

Late December to early January


Spring vacation

Late March to early April

※Regardless of the provision of the preceding paragraph, classes can be conducted on vacation days when the principal finds it necessary for education and unavoidable circumstances.
※When the principal recognizes that there is an emergency or other urgent circumstances, classes may not be given temporarily.


The curriculum and number of classes for each course of the university are as follows

(1)2nd year course
Class subject Contents

Main teaching material

Encourage understanding of grammar and vocabulary based on Japanese usage situations and connect them to speech.

Reading comprehension

Skimming, scanning,precise reading


Practice to listen accurately while grasping big intentions.


Give opportunities for output of learning items

Kanji and vocabulary

Introductory vocabulary, establishing kanji


Encourage the establishment and independence of intermediate kanji vocabulary


In addition to improving communication skills and providing opportunities for the output of learning items, we will practice exercises such as questions and answers in conjunction with "presentation".


Based on the theme, we will make full use of 4 skills.
In the Advanced II class, work in conjunction with the audiovisual materials class.

Audiovisual materials

While watching a documentary etc., write an opinion statement and discuss at the same time as deepening your understanding of the theme.

Japan circumstances

Deepen understanding of Japan and its surroundings.
Some classes are linked with "conversation", "presentation" and "audiovisual materials".

Test preparation

JLPT, EJU measures

(2)1 year and 6 months course
Class subject Contents

Main teaching material

Encourage understanding of grammar and vocabulary based on Japanese usage situations and connect them to speech.

Reading comprehension

Skimming, scanning, precise reading


Practice to listen accurately while grasping big intentions.


Give opportunities for output of learning items

Kanji and vocabulary

Introductory vocabulary, establishing kanji


Encourage the establishment and independence of intermediate kanji vocabulary


In addition to providing opportunities for the output of learning items, improve communication skills, and interlock with "presentation" to practice questions and answers.


Based on the theme, we will make full use of 4 skills.
In the Advanced II class, work in conjunction with the audiovisual materials class.

Japan circumstances

Japan circumstances
Some classes are linked with "conversation", "presentation" and "audiovisual materials".

Test preparation

JLPT, EJU measures

Evaluation of learning

The evaluation of learning is determined by combining the mid-term and final exams, the regular small test, the assignment submission, the attendance status, etc., and it is a four-stage evaluation of A, B, C, D.


  2 year course
1 year and 9 months course
1 year and 6 months course

Selection fee




Matriculation fee




Tuition fee




Setting fee




Material Fee








※ As a rule, tuition is paid in a lump sum. ※ National Health Insurance participation fee, medical examination expenses, etc. will all be paid at your own expense. ※ The dormitory fee for the student dormitory will be paid by oneself. ※ Rule about tuition return

In principle, tuition fees once paid will not be refunded. However, if the Certificate of Eligibility for Residence is not issued, it shall be returned in full after the prescribed procedures.

After issuing the Certificate of Eligibility for Residence、①Do not process visa②Visa will not be issued③If the visa was issued but you canceled admission before the date of arrival, etc., the amount of the fee will be deducted. Transfer fee for return will be borne by applicant. In that case, please return the entrance permit and the certificate of residence status to the school.